Tesla Unveils New Vehicle Model That Uses Eco-Friendly Animals’ Energy

In a live-streamed speech from Tesla Headquarters, CEO Elon Musk unveiled a new CEO-friendly car that can be navigated using a rope and a stick. Elon Musk thanked his ex-manager, Alfredo who came up with this idea. Emphasising more on eco-friendly fuel options, Alfredo took over 12 years to develop this car which solely runs on animals’ energy.
“I worked over 12 years day and night to come with a more eco-friendly tech solutions for our car than we had back then, on 11th year it clicked me that if we attach two animals to a car and beat the shit out of them, obviously after bribing Peta, they’ll run at a good speed. However, one thing that bothered PETA’s was their focus on vegan, hence, we finally agreed to use only ox and buffaloes for the purpose.” told Alfredo to The Fauxy
Tesla has reportedly patented this technology and any company or individual copying this idea will be penalised under WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organisation’s relevant clauses.