
Taxpayers Block Roads And Highways, Demand Repeal Of Income Tax Laws

Taxpayers Block Roads And Highways, Demand Repeal Of Income Tax Laws
  • PublishedJanuary 13, 2021

The recent Supreme Court’s verdict on new farm laws has encouraged people of various class to protest, block roads and highways to make govt succumb against their demands. 

SC putting stay on farm laws after protests shows that if we all tax payers unite and block roads and highways then govt end up repealing farm laws. To hell with development atleast we will be earning more” said one of the tax payers whose income is slightly above 5 lac per annum.
Democracy is dead in India, an elected government can’t make laws and if it does we get it repealed” said a govt critic merrily on SC’s verdict on farmers protest.

The working class protesters have also planned splendor and discover 135cc bike rallies during 26th Jan parade.

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