Survey Says 95% People Who Invest In Health Insurance Do Not Seek Any Returns

According to data gathered by a group of IIM students, people who invest in health insurance companies are less likely to expect a return on their investments in comparison to people who invest in the share market.
Data reveals that almost 95% of the people who spent in various kinds of insurance policies are okay with their money being eventually wasted. Income Tax department suggests that more than 6 crore people currently invest in various insurance schemes only for the sole purpose of getting a tax benefit. The remaining 5% are Marwaris.
Data analysts have further gathered public’s opinion on the study:
“If I am investing money I want returns, how difficult is this to understand?” Rupesh Agarwal, Owns Sweet Shop at Borivali
“I invest in insurance for security of my children and wife but I am worried my wife will be having fun once I am dead.” Rajiv Bhatia, Navy Officer
“I got insurance because men working in insurance companies talk to you politely, at least once a month, otherwise all men are trash.” Deepika Malhotra, Journalist, Feminist.