Starbucks to provide free passbook printing with every coffee to attract elderly customers

New Delhi. Starbucks has been attracting customers since its inception in India. But recently the senior management realized that the outlets are not attracting senior citizens and elderly couples. After a lot of research they narrowed down on things that might attract elder people.
Starbucks will give free passbook printing service with their coffee to all elderly people. For this, the Coffee chain has tied up with leading banks and will use technology that will prove them all account related details.
Elderly people just have to go there and order a coffee, with the coffee at their table they will get the printed passbook with all the latest records of transactions. Starbucks is likely to see an increase in sales and it will be a surprise to many given the economic slowdown.
Other industries should learn from Starbucks that every gloom comes with an opportunity and if proper research is done there can be a way out of the economic gloom. We will try to bring you the first shots of elderly couples queuing outside the outlets as soon as the scheme is implemented.