In a bizarre turn of events, a Delhi bound SpiceJet flight took over 12 hours to reach Delhi from Mumbai. Reportedly, the pilots forgot to took off since most of the Spicejet flights either get cancelled or make emergency landing. However, the flight reached Delhi after 14 hours.
Twitter got flooded with passengers tweeting about their SpiceJet experiences. Speaking to The Fauxy, a passenger said “it doesn’t make a difference if flight takes us by air it gets delayed and by road it took almost equal time. So I don’t have a complain”.
SpiceJet safety issue
Earlier, the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) had issued a notice to SpiceJet for “poor internal safety oversight and inadequate maintenance” that resulted in “degradation of safety margins”. However, by taking its passengers by road, the SpiceJet overcame all the safety issues.
“It was a smooth journey didn’t feel the takeoff and landing, neither any turbulence, I hope all airlines learn this from SpiceJet” said a drunk passenger upon safely reaching Delhi.