South Delhi girl slaps domino’s counter boy for speaking in Hindi

South Delhi girls are already famous for styling and high maintenance and they are constantly in loggerheads with the girls from other parts of the city over status.
Their lofty sense of lifestyle standards aren’t easy to be subscribed by other girls to better stay put. But an incident happened today which shook the capital. South Delhi girls who are adamant at the fact that everyone should speak with them in English, only panipuri wala guys have the luxury of speaking in Hindi with the girls.
A domino’s counter guy had to suffer a slap from a south Delhi girl as he asked for the order in Hindi. Normally the guy used to speak in English, but just due to slip of tongue he uttered some words in Hindi which did not go down well with the girls.
The guy, Jagdish Malik, has apologized for his behavior and has vowed to never repeat it in front of South Delhi girls.