
Social Media’s Power: Guy Tweets “I want to die” – Fans Send Him A Rope And Rat Poison

Social Media’s Power: Guy Tweets “I want to die” – Fans Send Him A Rope And Rat Poison
  • PublishedSeptember 24, 2018

The notorious social media platform Twitter has yet again demonstrated its positive side by helping a person who was in dire need. Twitter, which is largely known for verbal arguments among its users came to the rescue (not actually) of a person who wanted to commit suicide but did not have enough resources.

Ankit Verma, 28, a resident of Amethi, boasts of more than 50,000 followers on Twitter. Many of his fans are ready to do anything for him. But Ankit wouldn’t have thought that his fans would help him in death too. On Sunday evening Ankit through a series of tweets expressed a desire of not living anymore. In one of the tweets, he said, “I want to die, help me!” following which many of his fans ensured that Ankit received the right resources to accomplish the task. His fans not only provided him with moral support but also sent him various items like ropes, boxes of rat poison, the DVDs of Sajid Khan’s movies etc.

“Ankit is currently unreachable hence, we assume he succeeded in his task. We also wish him luck in all his future endeavours,” said one of his fans, who was in touch with him through Whatsapp and iMessage throughout the attempt.

This is not the first time that the power of social media was harnessed to help people in distress. Recently a social media game helped remove the element of boredom from the lives of many youngsters. The Blue Whale Challenge spiced things up by introducing a task-based procedure to achieve the inevitable, thus also enforcing individual character development in the process.

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