Shashi Tharoor to use 3-D hologram technology to entertain multiple women at once

With more than 1000 women dying to meet and with only 24 hours in a day to reach and entertain them, Shashi Tharoor had a hard job deciding whom to meet and spend time with.
But Shashi Tharoor is always one step ahead. Now Mr Tharoor plans to use the 3-D hologram technology at various parties and hotels to reach over a thousand women at once. He will appear live, in 3-D to the desired location by the use of 3-D projectors which his team will not only provide but will set up too. Shashi Tharoor’s manager told The Fauxy that the use of hologram technology will enable Mr Tharoor to reach women he would not otherwise meet or see in some of the country’s most inaccessible corners. He also mentioned that after Article 370 repealed, the craze of Tharoor Ji has reached among Kashmiri women too.
A majority of female fans of Shashi Tharoor believe that technology will play a vital role in extending his popularity. As a pilot project, he has given 25 hologram presence to parties and hotels, each drawing average number of 100 women. By the time all the hologram setup is completed, he will have access to more than 10,000 women at once.
“I was happily surprised to see Mr Tharoor in the mirror standing right behind me when I was doing makeup, but when I turned to touch him I couldn’t. I was in Leela hotel so for once I thought it’s his soul and I was almost into tears. However, soon his manager came and told me about the technology. I am happy and thinking of getting married to his 3-D hologram image.”, said one of Tharoor’s female fans to the Fauxy.