
Seven Pakistan Army Personnel Severely Injured After Abhinandan Speaks Fluent English

Seven Pakistan Army Personnel Severely Injured After Abhinandan Speaks Fluent English
  • PublishedFebruary 28, 2019

Yesterday in a battle between India and Pakistan, Indian Air Force’s Wing Commander Abhinandan, landed in Pakistan after his MiG-21 shot down Pakistan’s F-16. Abhinandan was then held captive by Pakistan’s Army. Violating the Geneva convention, Pakistan released multiple video clips of the Wing Commander, therefore landing itself into a big soup.

However, trouble had just begun mounting on Pakistan. What added to their misery was when Pakistan’s army realised that Abhinandan could speak and understand English only, which obviously, the Pakistanis cannot understand.

Since the only way Pakistanis could get some information from Abhinandan was to speak to him in English, Pakistani officials tried hard to communicate with him but ended up getting severely injured. The injuries allegedly followed after the awkward situation when Abhinandan spoke fluent English, but Pakistani army could do nothing except nod their heads, thus twisting their neck muscles.

Realising that Indian keeping pilot Abhinandan Varthaman, in captivity would mean hurting himself more, Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan on Thursday declared that the pilot will be released as a “gesture of peace”!

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