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Sanjay Dutt To Train US Students On How To Hide Guns At Home

Sanjay Dutt To Train US Students On How To Hide Guns At Home
  • PublishedSeptember 26, 2018

Recently, a student at an elementary school in Virginia, United States, brought a gun to school, causing unrest among teachers. However, the student, Patrick, had no ill intention and brought the gun only because he had no idea where to hide it back at home.

This is one of the many cases when a student brought a gun to school. To resolve such issues, the Principal of Virginia Elementary School has written to the US President Donald Trump, requesting a special course for students to teach them how to hide guns.

If sources are to be believed, Donald Trump has requested the famous Bollywood star, Sanjay Dutt, who hid a gun in his home during the 1993 Mumbai blasts, to give a lecture on “how to hide your gun at home safely”. The news is yet to be confirmed, but in case it actually happens, India’s ties with the United States will further improve.

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