
Saif And Kareena Invite Historians To Suggest Them The Most Barbaric Mughal Invader To Name Their Second Child

Saif And Kareena Invite Historians To Suggest Them The Most Barbaric Mughal Invader To Name Their Second Child
  • PublishedFebruary 19, 2021

Bollywood actress Kareena Kapoor Khan, who is expecting her second child anytime soon once again made her fans go weak in their knees with her impeccable style. The actress called all the historians, allegedly to know who’s the most barbaric Mughal invaders. Bebo wants her second child even more famous than Taimur and for that she wants to name her second child after a Mughal invader who was more famous and brutal than Taimur.

Kareena and Saif had named Taimur after Turko-Mongol conquerer, Taimur, who brought most of the Muslim-ruled parts of Central Asia and India under his control in the 14th century. The couple Saifeena got heavy backlash for naming their first child Taimur but it didn’t change their stand.

However, the couple is a little apprehensive if the second child is girl then it will be difficult for them to find a good name, since all the Islamic invaders were males.

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