Responsible Son Brings Back His Father From An Old Age Home For Father’s Day

Fathers hold a special place in our lives as they help us grow stronger, but unfortunately, they are often overshadowed by mothers. But this father’s day stories coming up from different parts of the world will make you go Aww.
One such story came from the national capital of India, Delhi where a responsible son surprised his father in a very unique way. Kaushik 34, a resident of South Delhi took a leave from work on the eve of father’s day and visited the old age home at Gurgaon, where his parents have been living since Kaushik got married. Upon reaching the old age home Kaushik blindfolded his father from the behind and made him sit in his car which after about an hour long drive reached a rather surprising destination. Yes, you guessed it right, it was Kaushik’s house.
Kaushik decorated his home similar to an old age home, with all his friends wearing masks of old men, so that his father doesn’t quite feel homesick. Kaushik then spent the entire day with his father talking about how he helped him ride a bicycle for the first time, and how he contributed in his education, and also in getting married to the girl of his choice. The same day late night Kaushik dropped his father back to the old age home safely before the gates closed and promised to see him again soon.
The story has gone viral and Kaushik has become a star overnight. Kaushik has announced that he’s penning down the experience in a book which will be called “Rich Son Poor Dad” and which shall be released by the next father’s day.