
Rahul Gandhi To Be In Modi Govt’s Priority List For Covid Vaccination

Rahul Gandhi To Be In Modi Govt’s Priority List For Covid Vaccination
  • PublishedDecember 19, 2020

The year 2021 will start with a nationwide COVID vaccine drive. According to some unconfirmed sources, the government has prioritized certain people, which include frontline health workers, and people who are directly exposed to the virus Police, Municipal Workers, etc. However, the interesting inclusion in the priority list is Congress Scion Rahul Gandhi.

Talking to The Fauxy, a government official said, “It wasn’t possible for the BJP to form the government with such a huge mandate without the role of Shri Rahul Gandhi and if BJP wants to win more and more election they would want Rahul Gandhi to be totally safe and sound”.

He further added “wherever Rahul Gandhi delivers a speech, BJP wins that, No leader has this level of turn out, not even Modi, Hence, we have decided to keep him in our top priority list”

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