
Peta opposes coronavirus vaccine development; says vaccine will kill the virus

Peta opposes coronavirus vaccine development; says vaccine will kill the virus
  • PublishedMay 21, 2020

Peta has always been in the way of development and there are n number of examples from the past. Most recently they have opposed the vaccine development for Corona.
The fauxy has learnt that the Peta tea believes that the vaccine will be made from dead corona virus cells and it will create pain for the virus. No one on this planet should bear such pain.

The PETA believes that vaccine should be made from living cells. They are not willing to understand that injecting live cells into a person’s body will make him Corona positive.
They also are of the thinking that Corona should not be prevented by using vaccines, rather Corona should be treated after a person is found Corona positive. They have announced that strict protest will take place against any company that is in the development phase of the vaccine.

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