
Parents of 77 kids who died in Kota want BJP govt in the state so that media can cover the incident

Parents of 77 kids who died in Kota want BJP govt in the state so that media can cover the incident
  • PublishedDecember 27, 2019

The Jay Kay Lon Hospital in Rajasthan’s Kota has ordered an investigation after seventy-seven children died in first 24 days of this month with 10 deaths in 48 hours. But media is not covering the story extensively as it covers violence and other tragedies in BJP ruled states.

The parents of all the kids have demanded a BJP government in the state so that media can do its work.

Media has failed to report any untoward incidents and tragedies in congress rules states off late. In fact the media budget in congress ruled states is almost zero as most news houses don’t even have anyone to do ground reporting.

Speaking to the fauxy one such owner of a media house said “No one wants to hear about tragedies in congress states. There is no TRP in covering that. But in BJP ruled states we are hiring extra workforce as we cannot leave any small incident right from a kid losing a toy, or a death in any violent incident”

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