
Pakistani Students In Ukraine Refuse To Come Back, Say Ukraine Still Safer Than Pakistan

Pakistani Students In Ukraine Refuse To Come Back, Say Ukraine Still Safer Than Pakistan
  • PublishedFebruary 27, 2022

Speaking to The Fauxy, a Pakistani student stranded in Ukraine said “It’s all missile dropping and bombing happening here, it feels like home. Despite a full fledged war we feel safer here than in Pakistan”.

Media reports say some 500 students, have been stuck in Ukraine since the Russian invasion on Thursday.

We started the evacuation process but when the students didn’t show willingness to come back we took another 500 students and dropped them in Ukraine.” said Pakistan External Affair Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi.

It’s okay if these students feel safer in Ukraine than in Pakistan, we have 500 less people to feed” said Pakistan PM Imran Khan in a press conference.



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