
Pakistan Tops Asia In Rising Poverty Rates, Malala is Happy That At Least India Came Last

Pakistan Tops Asia In Rising Poverty Rates, Malala is Happy That At Least India Came Last
  • PublishedJune 6, 2019

A recent study by the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), University of Washington revealed that Pakistan is topping the charts when it comes to growing poverty rates whereas India is lifting people out of poverty at a tremendous pace.

According to a study published in the Lancet journal in May, Pakistan is facing serious economic issues. Additionally, isolation from other countries is fuelling poverty at a rate much faster than the world’s average. Pakistan has now topped among all other Asian countries in this field whereas India is at the last position.

IHME spoke to Malala, a Nobel laureate, a Pakistani activist for female education and an expert in International Politics. Malala summarised the entire debate in just one line “I am happy that at least India came last.” This snippet of Malala saying I am happy India came last has gone viral.

Currently, it is not clear whether the Nobel Prize Committee hands out the Nobel Price just like that or it specially made an exception in the case of Malala. However, trusted sources tell us that ‘surviving a shot on your head’ was not something Alfred Nobel had in mind when he set aside his wealth for the Nobel Prize.

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