Business Global

Pakistan to Take $3 Trillion Loan to Replace India from 5th Position of World Largest Economies

Pakistan to Take $3 Trillion Loan to Replace India from 5th Position of World Largest Economies
  • PublishedSeptember 3, 2022

India has become the fifth largest economy in the world, beating the UK, a report has said. India has become the fifth biggest economy during the last three months of 2021, pushing the United Kingdom to the sixth spot, with the country grappling with a harsh shock of high cost of living.


Pakistan, which is ranked 34th among 39 countries in the Asia–Pacific region, has decided to beat India’s economy and replace it fro the fifth position of world biggest economies. Reportedly, to do the same Pakistan has applied loan amounting to $3 trillion, from the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and China.


We are currently $1 trillion economy if we get around $3 trillion loan we will be bigger than India and we have Fawad Khan too” said Pakistan’s Finance Minister, Miftah Ismail.


When asked about repayment of the loan the Pakistan Finance Minister, Miftah Ismail Smiled and said “کیا ہوتا ہے” which means “what does it mean“.

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