
Pakistan To Remain Silent During Model Code of Conduct Even If Attacked

Pakistan To Remain Silent During Model Code of Conduct Even If Attacked
  • PublishedApril 5, 2019

On Thursday, Pakistan’s Defence Minister Pervez Khattak, in a joint press conference along with the country’s Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi made a statement wherein he said that Pakistan shall deny all causalities and attacks by India until the Model Code of Conduct for Lok Sabha 2019 elections gets over. The measure had to be taken to ensure that India’s ruling party BJP is not given any undue advantage during the upcoming Indian general elections.

India is all set to conduct its general elections in six days and nationalism is one of the core issues that political leaders are addressing while canvassing votes. In the last five years, the world has witnessed a new India which is fearless and countering terrorism in the strictest possible manner. This troubles both Pakistan and India’s opposition parties alike.

Surgical Strikes followed by Air Strikes on Pakistan was heavily discussed among Indian voters and the opposition tried very hard to belittle the action taken by Modi government. Hence it seems that there’s a high chance that the Pakistan government will have to step in to prevent the Indian elections from being influenced.

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