Pakistan To Build A Replica Of Eiffel Tower To Throw Stone At It As A Mark Of Protest Against France

France President Emmanuel Macron’s strong stand against Islamic Terrorism has disturbed Pakistanis the most. In just three days Pakistan has witnessed more than a hundred protests across the country. To ensure protest don’t go further, Pakistan PM on Sunday announced that the country will have a replica of Eiffel Tower and all the people unhappy with Macron’s statement can throw stones at it to show their anger.
Pakistan will spend over a thousand crore, twice the Pakistan’s FDP, to build this replica of Eiffel Tower. The replica will be made with the help of a China based construction company in a record 30 days.
Speaking to The Fauxy, the construction manager of the proposed replica said “look it’s Pakistan and if we can’t make protest a source of revenue than it’s a huge waste. Replica will be made of high quality rubber and stones won’t impact it all. Shops selling stones will be opened outside the replica premises to generate revenue. If the plan is successful we will have replica of every country’s famous monument”.