Pakistan passes Citizenship Amendment Bill, will grant citizenship to persecuted terrorists of neighboring nations

Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan on Thursday accused the Indian government of moving systematically with a “Hindu supremacist agenda” and said the world “must step in before it is too late.”
His government also presented the CAB bill in Pakistan parliament. The bill will grant citizenship to persecuted terrorists of neighboring countries. Off late, terrorists have been targeted by countries like India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. Pakistan has taken cognizance of the matter and has come out in support of these persecuted terrorists.
Imran said in parliament “Terrorists have been killed by our neighboring countries. Who will support their families? No country wants to help them. But Pakistan cannot let this happen, we have to maintain our image of being the safe haven for these terrorists. If we cannot support the foreign terrorists, how will we instill trust in our own terrorists?”
The bill was passed without any opposition in the parliament.
Even the legislature members who were sick or in the hospital came to the assembly to cast their vote. The bill has thus been implemented in whole Pakistan in record time.