Pakistan increases security after falling GDP of India, scared that India might attack to divert attention

Imran Khan is having sleepless nights. And why not, India has stood its ground in Kashmir and the whole world has supported India. But the new concern is caused because of falling GDP numbers of India.
Imran Khan thinks that India might attack Pakistan to divert the attention from the GDP numbers. In fact, Imran Khan is saying it in world forums that India’s GDP is much better than what it looks so that he can convince the Indian government that there is no need of attention diversion. Pakistan has alerted all security units and military.
The military which faced embarrassment in Balakot is continuously tracking India’s GDP numbers to calculate the exact timings of the attacks. Nirmala Sitharaman has not yet accepted the fact that there is an economic slowdown and that is a worry for Pakistan.
It means that India will surely attack now as it cannot counter the press anymore. Pakistan has wrote letter to many countries to give them cover for security out of which only China has replied in affirmative that too after putting Pakistan into more debt.