A series of nostalgic tales, that takes one back to their pre-engineering days – TVF’s latest show ‘Kota Factory’ chronicles the journey of IIT aspirants from lesser to higher struggles in life. This 5-episodes series leaves the audience hanging on a very curious note. What will happen next is the point of discussion on social media – whether Vaibhav, around whom the series revolves, would be able to crack IIT or will he quit?
Upon asking one of the lead actors, Jeetu, popularly known as Jeetu Bhaiya, he said “I can’t tell you what will happen next because we don’t have a fucking clue. But since the sequel has to be made we will make and name it something similar like NOTA factory,” and started laughing.
If TVF internal sources are to be believed, the sequel of Kota Factory, i.e. NOTA factory is a biopic of an IITian who joins politics and then produces MLA and MPs who struggle to get a bigger mandate than NOTA.