
Non-Stop Abuses Of A Man To An Autowala Mistaken For A Rap Battle Face Off, Wins Rap Battle Competition

Non-Stop Abuses Of A Man To An Autowala Mistaken For A Rap Battle Face Off, Wins Rap Battle Competition
  • PublishedMay 27, 2021

What started out as an altercation, now turned into an all war. A man arguing with an autowala for charging more was mistaken for rap battle face off and gathered thousands of people to watch their altercation.

Manish Chandra Khode was arguing with an autowala for charging ₹5 extra for a share ride and soon the argument became a heated one and Khode started hurling abuses at the autowala, the autowala also started abusing. The non-stop abuses had an uncanny similarity with the Indian rappers. The altercation was uploaded on YouTube, catching the attention of MTV and Redbull sponsored battle rap.

Reportedly, Khode was awarded the wining title of the rap battle and was given the prize money of ₹1 lakh.

Khode is now a popular rapper and is teaching young kids different type of abuses to help them make career in rapping.

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