Non-Kapoors & Khans should be thrown out, Karan Johar demands NRC in Bollywood

The NRC debate in Assam is heating up and people whose names are not in the list are concerned about their future. A similar concern is shared by Karan Johar in Bollywood. According to him Bollywood is a place for the Khans, Kapoors, Malhotras, Khannas and other elite film families.
The Yadavs, Raos, Siddiques, and other outsiders have spoilt the balance. With more number of talented people getting chance in Bollywood, there is a major threat to the original film families. Karan Johar has demanded a NRC like database for Bollywood which will only include the elite class.
The government meanwhile, had a counter-question for Karan where it asked that how can Arjun Kapoor be included in Elite class. To which Karan replied that dating Malaika Arora is only an Elite class thing. Karan has laid out some points for consideration. The major point is that talent should not be the sole parameter to keep a person in Bollywood.
The person should have a Godfather and also should not be too talented. If an NRC is formed on these basis, Bollywood will regain the glory of the past.