Muslim Boy Forces Father To Become A Headmaster Just To Be On The Safer Side

Anantnag, J&K: A young Muslim boy from the valley made an unusual request to his father which took everyone by surprise. Kashmir which is known for youngsters with a budding talent for becoming global terrorists is slowly losing its grip to Pakistan in the terror industry. Aslam, a 21-year-old boy from the valley realised that he was not entirely convinced with the ISIS ideology. He now wants his father to become a school headmaster just in case he gets convinced and joins Jihad at a later stage in his life.
“Aslam is looking for a career switch and in recent times ISIS, JEM, LET etc have shown maximum openings that too in top positions. Although currently, he is not very eager to join any of such organisations, if he fails to get a decent job, then being a headmaster’s son will save his image. That’s why he has been forcing me to join any school or madrasa as a headmaster,” said Aslam’s father.
Aslam also cited the example of Burhan Wani who was projected as the son of school headmaster by Barkha Dutt. “Burhan Vani was a terrorist and he killed many innocent people but see how hundreds came to his funeral and how he was made into a hero, only because he was the son of a school headmaster. Once my father becomes a headmaster, my career options shall open up. I’ll be living my own life without any guilt,” said Aslam.