Mechanical engineer suspended after he updates Facebook status to ‘in a relationship’ from single

We have heard several jokes on how Mechanical Engineers have no girls in their class and how they remain single throughout their lives. Well, it’s not a joke. You will find the truth when you tour the Engineering College campuses.
And you can also believe what would happen if a mechanical engineer is in a relationship. He will definitely be thrown out of the mechanical community. That’s exactly what happened to Shugato Srivastava. Shugato is a mechanical student in Mumbai and he was in a relation since last 6 months. On Friday he decided to update his Facebook status to ‘In a relationship’.
At first people in his college and his friends thought that his system is hacked or someone else is playing a prank on Shugato. But after investigation, it was found that Shugato indeed is in a relationship. Just as the news reached the Principal of the college, he ordered Shugato’s rustication and Shugato was thrown out of the college.
He told that his relationship is not a serious one and will not last long. But no one heard him out and he had to suffer because of his misadventure.