
Man Writes Joke On Religion After Court Rejects His Euthanasia Request

Man Writes Joke On Religion After Court Rejects His Euthanasia Request
  • PublishedJuly 23, 2020

In a bizarre incident a man from Denmark, posted several jokes on different religions after his euthanasia appeal was rejected by the court.

John Mayefer, 27, is battling with a chronic illness and has lost all the hopes, all he wants is a peaceful death. On Wednesday a three judge bench gave verdict to his euthanasia appeal, after hearing the case for over 48 hours. Court asked him to explore more ways to stay positive, even if it means contracting Corona, and rejected his euthanasia plea.

Losing all the hopes, John decided to convert a disaster into an opportunity and started writing jokes on religions. Currently he’s getting death threats and he’s hopeful someday he’ll be killed too.

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