Man, Who Pledged To Change The World, Postpones It For A Day

The 32-year-old ex-senior manager, who quit his job to do something meaningful to change the world, has postponed it for a day due to unforeseen circumstances. Jacob, who was very enthusiastic and high in spirit while quitting his job, realised it’s not that easy to start a new business and delayed his plan of changing the world due to relatively colder weather.
“I wasn’t going anywhere, so I quit my job to do some meaningful, but I am facing challenges from day one, it’s fucking chill weather I can’t get up from my bed, it’s not the right time perhaps” wrote Jacob on his social media account which has 23 followers.
“Jacob will be back soon, many leave like this but after a few days when their savings start exhausting they come back. I also resumed today only, after quitting last week.” said Jacob’s Ex-Boss.