
Man misses No Nut November due to extremely busy schedule

Man misses No Nut November due to extremely busy schedule
  • PublishedNovember 1, 2022

It is November 1 which means that today is the official start date of NNN (No Nut November) which is a month-long event in which people are encouraged to grow work on their mental health by giving up the thing that occupies that brain the most, sexual thoughts.


No Nut November means no masturbation or sexual activities until 1st Dec. A majority of men attempt to follow the NNN but only a few succeed.


A man who was all set to follow the NNN, missed it on the first day itself due to extremely busy and frustrating work day. The man had masturbation as the only positive thing for today and performed his daily ritual soon after coming from the office and realised that it’s NNN only after feeling guilty like everyday after masturbating.


The man reset his clock to 31st Oct and promised himself to follow the NNN for next 30 days or 1st Dec whichever comes first.

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