
Man makes his dog wear lay’s packet after he couldn’t find a proper mask

Man makes his dog wear lay’s packet after he couldn’t find a proper mask
  • PublishedNovember 3, 2019

Pollution in the National Capital Region was declared a public health emergency on Friday by the Environment Pollution (Prevention & Control) Authority after pollution levels entered into the “emergency” category for the first time since January.

People in Delhi have been asked to wear masks while going out but not everyone owns or has a mask. Shobhit Agarwal though had a unique plan for his dog as he cannot find a mask that fits him. Shobhit used a lay’s packet over the face of his dog to give him fresh air throughout the day something that even a mask cannot do. The mask just protects you from the particulate matter but what about fresh air. Lays will deliver packets to all Delhi residents soon and this will come under their CSR activity.

Delhi government has appreciated the move and has made Lays packet mandatory for dogs not wearing masks. Wearing lay’s packet can also help actors like Uday Chopra move around freely in Mumbai so that no one recognizes them and through abuse at them.

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