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PIL Filed In Supreme Court To Halt The Evacuation Process Until Last Phase Of UP Election

PIL Filed In Supreme Court To Halt The Evacuation Process Until Last Phase Of UP Election
  • PublishedMarch 3, 2022

A PIL has been filed in the Supreme Court on Thursday claiming that the Evacuation process for Indians in Ukraine amidst ongoing UP election is influencing the voters. PIL also says that Modi Government’s Operation Ganga is being covered by a lot of mainstream media violating the model code of conduct.

The Supreme Court hasn’t disclosed the identity of the petitioner to avoid communal tension but has not dismissed the PIL either.

The Indian stranded in Ukraine are not worried about the PIL. The Fauxy spoke to a student stranded in Kharkiv, Ukraine’s second largest city, the student said “Lol! I am not worried at all. It’s Indian Judiciary system, it will take more than a year to reach any conclusion by the time either I’ll be out from here or Ukraine will be out from the world map“.

Whether Supreme Court will hear the petition or dismiss the petition, time will tell or the election results will tell.

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