
Man Contests Local Body Election Only To Flout The Covid Guidelines

Man Contests Local Body Election Only To Flout The Covid Guidelines
  • PublishedApril 8, 2021

India is facing the second nationwide wave of Covid-19 pandemic, which has prompted some states to reimpose strict curbs, including partial and complete lockdowns, to tackle the contagion. This is happening a few days after many states witnessing election campaigns and rallies by leaders of various political parties.

The political leaders carrying out rallies amidst rising Covid cases have inspired a man to contest election. No! Not to help people overcome this crisis but to flout the Covid guidelines. Certain areas of different cities are declared containment zone and are now under total lockdown. Coincidentally, these areas are the ones that witnessed huge gathering of people during election rallies.

Speaking to The Fauxy, the man said “If I don’t wear mask, police will either fine me or will beat me but if a politician does that he gets vote and people’s support. The politicians also don’t have to follow guidelines set for common people. That’s why I have decided to contest election”.

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