
Man arrested for not tweeting ‘best CM’ after taking money from the CM

Man arrested for not tweeting ‘best CM’ after taking money from the CM
  • PublishedApril 17, 2020

Coronavirus scare has made many CMs to work extra hard to protect their states and citizens. Some are actually working hard while some are pretending to do so by taking help of celebrities tweeting in their favor. And that is the reason that a man was arrested today when he did not tweet ‘Best CM’ post even after taking money from the CM. The money was paid in advance and it was Aman’s mistake for not tweeting the agreed material. Aman realized late that the CM has actually not done anything for the state and his conscience woke up. He decided not to tweet. As soon as he decided not to tweet, he was arrested in the next 15 minutes. Actually police was waiting outside his house and they were told to arrest him immediately after he doesn’t tweet at the given time. The CM has been applauded by many celebrities for this quick action and he has again gained traction as the Best CM in the country.

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