
Lockdown to be extended as Ramayana and Mahabharat couldn’t get completed in first lockdown

Lockdown to be extended as Ramayana and Mahabharat couldn’t get completed in first lockdown
  • PublishedApril 12, 2020

The lockdown will be extended, that is what CM Arvind Kejriwal’s tweet told us as he leaked PM Modi’s plans soon after the states meeting on COVID19. The main reason though for the extension has been discovered by The Fauxy team. Apparently, the Modi government wanted to complete the full Ramayana and Mahabharat show, which they couldn’t complete despite showing it twice daily, and hence, required more number of lockdown days.

Reportedly, Prasar Bharti had requested the govt that they are getting the highest TRPs and it would be good for the Doordarshan if lockdown gets extended by a few more days.

Ramayana and Mahabharat are almost at the middle of their storylines and they would require some more days for completion. If the stories are not completed students may find it difficult to answer history and mythology questions in their exams. Hence, the government move is completely in the favor of all students and parents. The government has assured the citizens that it will not extend the lockdown after the second round as some people were alleging the govt would also show the behind the scenes of Ramayana and Mahabharat serials.

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