Global Politics

Liberals Throw 300kg Mangoes On Road After Modi’s Interview With Akshay Kumar

Liberals Throw 300kg Mangoes On Road After Modi’s Interview With Akshay Kumar
  • PublishedApril 25, 2019

A day after Akshay Kumar conducted a completely apolitical interview with PM Narendra Modi where he covered several topics including the PM’s personal life, liberals took to the roads in order to protest for a total ban on mangoes.

PM Modi during the interview confessed about his love for mangoes and how he used to climb mango trees to eat them. This childhood story of PM Modi did not go down well with the liberals who were seen throwing mangoes on roads across India just a day later. More than 300 Kg of mangoes were thrown on the road by them, in order to prove a point.

“I’m sick of this government and I’m sick of mangoes and I’m sick of everything around me. Basically the bottom line is that I’m sick,” said a liberal while snatching mangoes from a fruit vendor.

Several other liberals who could not physically participate in the ‘Say No To Mango’ campaign instead wrote long blogs about the ill effects of mangoes. “Mango does taste good but if you notice carefully, anything that tastes good always has a bad impact in our body. Hence, I request everyone to completely boycott mangoes,” said a nutritionist who wishes to see Rahul Gandhi as India’s PM.

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