
Justin Trudeau Goes In Hiding As Russia Moves More Towards The West

Justin Trudeau Goes In Hiding As Russia Moves More Towards The West
  • PublishedMarch 1, 2022

On Tuesday, Russia warned the residents of Ukraine’s capital Kyiv that it is preparing to hit targets in the Ukrainian capital. Russia has been more aggressive than ever against Ukraine and is fast moving towards the west.

According to the Canadian news organisation, CBC, the News of Russia aggressively moving towards the west made Justin Trudeau feel security threat and the Canadian Prime Minister along with his family has gone into hiding in a secret location.

Justin Trudeau through his twitter clarified that he has not gone into hiding but has self isolated himself as he had mild symptoms of Covid and doesn’t want to risk the netizens. Justin Trudeau also wrote that his isolation will end as soon as Ukraine…. err.. omicron dies.

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