Global Politics

Joe Biden Doesn’t Donate $100m To NDTV On The First Day Of Assuming Office

Joe Biden Doesn’t Donate $100m To NDTV On The First Day Of Assuming Office
  • PublishedJanuary 22, 2021

Putting all speculation at rest, Joe Biden, the new President-elect of the US, didn’t sign any cheque as a donation to NDTV. NDTV journalists who were cheering Joe Biden’s entry to White House were seen all upset later.

We were cheering for Joe Biden all this while, we even rejected Ramnath Kovind only in the hope that Joe Biden will pay our taxes where we have defaulted. I am appalled. Now I can say Joe Biden isn’t my President either” said a senior NDTV journalist on the condition of staying anonymous.

Reportedly, SpO2 level of NDTV journalists came back to normal temporarily after Trump left the White House and dropped again after Joe Biden didn’t sigh the cheque to NDTV.

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