JNU Student Seeks Re-Evaluation After Clearing Exams

Unhappy with his Phd results, Debojyoti Banerjee applied for a revaluation so that he could spend more time in the college with his colleagues.
A student of the Jawahar Lal Nehru University, Delhi, had scored 42 out of 100 under the first count of his scores. However, Debjoyti believed he actually deserved less as he had no intention of passing out or leaving the college any soon. Passing out of the college would mean earning a livelihood which would, in turn, mean that he would have to actually work in order to survive. This is unfathomable for a student belonging to JNU since they are used to living the life of a freeloader. Therefore, Debjyoti applied for a recount, which took his score down to a 39 out of 100. A huge respite to his dreams of whiling away time and being a burden on taxpayers could finally see success as a score of 39 means failing the exam.
“When I saw the score of 42, I was shaken to the core, the entire series of future struggles crossed my mind. I didn’t expect this much. The result would have made my parents happy but happiness can’t feed you and I obviously can’t work at the age of retirement” told the 61 year old Mr Banerjee To The Fauxy.