
ISIS Worker Wishes To Write A Show For Amazon Prime Videos

ISIS Worker Wishes To Write A Show For Amazon Prime Videos
  • PublishedJanuary 17, 2021

After consecutively launching anti-Hindu web shows, the amazon prime videos has opened more opportunities for terrorist organisation who want to finish Kaafir. Reportedly, after seeing Amazon Prime Video’s latest Tandav, an ISIS worker has shown interest to write a script for the OTT platform.

Seeing it an opportune moment, Amazon Prime Videos is likely to give nod as the content will come from a real-hater which will make the script even more genuine.

Data suggests that more than 24 terrorists’ camps have taken subscription of Amazon Prime Videos after short video clips of Tandav ridiculing Hindu gods and demonising Brahmins have gone viral.

“Amazon has chosen its audience base and is focusing only to wider the base” said one of the OTT experts.

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