Instagram Influencer Crowd-funds To Sue A Brand Which Failed To Pay Her ₹500 For A Promotional Campaign

The pandemic and subsequent lockdown adversely impact almost all the industries except healthcare, however, amidst all this freelancers and influencers job remained intact and they witnessed only slight slowdown. Brands kept doing promotional events on social media but with some glitches. One such glitch is going to cost a brand heavy as an influencer has decided to sue the brand for delay in payment.
An Instagram influencer with close to 25 thousand followers has started crowd funding to manage her lawyer’s fee after filing a lawsuit against a brand which asked her to do a promotional post but failed to make the payment within 30 days.
“I had already told my friends that I’ll throw pizza party, and now I have been left embarrassed because the brand hasn’t paid me. I have no other source. Dominos has also stopped its 30 mins free delivery service. This is so unethical of brand to not make my payment” said the influencer after filing the lawsuit.
The brand hasn’t responded yet but is likely to expedite the payment process to avoid legal case against it.