Instagram Influencer Arrested After a 90-year-old Man, Whom She Tickled to Improve the Global Happiness Index, Died

2022 sees the 10th edition of the World Happiness Report. Since it was first published, the World Happiness Report has been trying to make people aware that how important the happiness is. Many NGOs and activists are trying their best to improve the happiness index.
In such attempt an Instagram influencer went too far and got herself arrested. Reportedly, the Instagram influencer (Be_Happpyyy) has been tickling random people on street to make them laugh and improve the happiness index. However, while trying to do with a 90-year-old man, she forgot where to stop and the man succumbed to the tickles.
90-year-old man was taken to the hospital when he suddenly stopped laughing, Doctor declared him dead and global happiness index witnessed a momentarily sharp decline. The influencer has been arrested and will be presented to court on Wednesday.
India has ranked worse than Ukraine and SriLanka in global happiness index which is making Indian govt think of either going for war or imposing emergency to improve the happiness index.