Global Politics

Indian Government Abstained At UNSC Voting Mistaking NATO For NOTA

Indian Government Abstained At UNSC Voting Mistaking NATO For NOTA
  • PublishedFebruary 27, 2022

Russia on Saturday used its veto powers to block a United Nations Security Council (UNSC) resolution condemning its invasion of Ukraine and demanding an immediate withdrawal of its troops. While 11 countries voted in favour of the US-sponsored resolution, India was among the three countries that abstained from voting.

Many Indians condemned the Govt of India and PM Modi for abstaining from the voting and following non-alignment policy. Many social media users called India’s abstaining from voting an act of cowardice.

However, the Indian Govt accepted that it made a mistake by abstaining from the voting and it happened because India’s representative at UNSC mistook NATO for NOTA.

The vote wouldn’t have changed anything as Russia has used its Veto Power, but it certainly would have impacted India-Russia ties” said an expert of International matters.

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