India Witnesses Significant Increase in Per Capita Income After iMemeStore Distributes Over a Million in Just a Few Days

India’s per capita income is expected to reach USD 10,000 in the next 15 to 20 years from the current around $2,000, Sophia CEO iMemeStore said on Tuesday.
In last week India witnessed considerable increase in per capita income after iMemeStore on its various social media platform distributed more than a million to various meme creators and needy people. iMemeStore also organised contest which had three latest iPhones as giveaways. The contest made iMemeStore trend on top across India.
Speaking to The Fauxy, a content creator, who left his high paying job to participate in iMemeStore contest said, “I used to work 18 hours a day to get a few bucks and an old model iPhone but after quitting the job I am happier, richer and have latest iPhone, all thanks to iMemeStore“.
Reportedly, through making memes users aren’t only earning money but also are happier helping India rank better at global happiness index.
Sophia CEO of iMemestore spoke to The Fauxy about company’s vision and said “Poora ilaka meme meme kar denge” (will make the whole area meme-meme). Sophia also said iMemeStore has many more campaign in near future and through these campaigns and contests they intend to improve the lives of meme creator who currently use neighbours’ and cafe’s WiFi to create memes.