IIT To Revoke Chetan Bhagat’s Engineering Degree Following His Sexts Leak

Currently flooded with #MeToo allegations, India is witnessing yet another problem and yet again it is due to some of its men. One such man is a famous novelist, Chetan Bhagat, who has been exposed by a lady with whom he tried to talk dirty – no not politics, but regarding his sexual desires and preferences.
Believe it or not, Chetan Bhagat managed to successfully sext a woman without getting blocked! Chetan Bhagat is undeniably the first mechanical engineer to accomplish this amazing human feat.
However, there are no free meals in life and this is the case with Chetan Bhagat too, whose engineering degree has been revoked by IIT Delhi after his sexts went viral.
IIT Delhi chancellor in a statement to media said: “If you are an engineer you cannot possibly talk to a girl this way and if you talk to a girl this way, then you cannot be a mechanical engineer. It is against the very idea of engineering. Chetan isn’t just an engineer, he’s a mechanical engineer, which makes his case even worse.”
He further added, “Since the time Chetan’s sexts have been leaked, he has brought huge shame to our fraternity, most of whom cannot even dream to talk to a girl, let alone sext. He therefore has to lose his engineering degree.”
If sources are to be believed Chetan Bhagat may end up losing his IIM tag too since a Bachelor’s degree is a prerogative for holding a Master’s. More on this awaited.