Business Global

HR Asks Boys to Leave the Group Discussion Saying No Uterus No Opinion

HR Asks Boys to Leave the Group Discussion Saying No Uterus No Opinion
  • PublishedMarch 25, 2022

In a bizarre incident that took place in a Gurgaon based Cosmetic MNC, seven boys, who cleared the written round of the placement, were asked to leave the group discussion saying their opinion on any subject hold no value as they don’t have any uterus. “No Uterus No Opinion, So please leave” said the HR a minute before the GD began.


They don’t know what a woman goes through while applying cosmetics and then removing it, and you can’t give opinion on something that you haven’t experienced” said a female candidate supporting the removal of boys from the group discussion stage.


While there were seven boys six left the Group Discussion room one boy didn’t leave saying he has She/Her in his CV. However, he failed to show his uterus and had to leave the Group Discussion room.


Later, the group discussion started with eight girls who had uterus and opinions too. The topic of discussion was “Decriminalise and Legalise abortion”.

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