Heartwarming: Doctor Lets Dying Cancer Patient Masturbate One Last Time

Delhi —In what is being heralded as a heartwarming act on par with saving humanity sources confirmed that a doctor in one of the most reputed Hospital allowed his dying cancer patient to do what he loves and enjoys the most. After patient told his wish of masturbating, doctor smilingly allowed him and provided some banned quality porn.
19-year-old Jordan wanted to masturbate from last one year but couldn’t due to the presence of nurse or his family member in his ward almost all the time.
“I kinda realised that he wants to masturbate and that’s why I never kept him alone, due to all the treatments including chemo he was always low on energy and masturbation could have made us work more.” Said one of the nurses taking care of Jordan.
“We don’t see such wishes very often, most of the time people dying due to cancer ask meeting their family member, reading a book, being made Police officer, doctor for a day as their last wish. However, Jordan is different he is honest. That’s why I am allowing him” said the doctor while ordering the nurse to change the bedsheet once Jordan is done with this life.