
Guy who left job 2 months back rejoins after watching Hotstar’s ‘The Office’ and getting nostalgic

Guy who left job 2 months back rejoins after watching Hotstar’s ‘The Office’ and getting nostalgic
  • PublishedOctober 17, 2019

When The Office first began its journey in India as the Indian adaptation of the cult British/American series, it was received by the digital community, first with trepidation, then with curiosity, and finally, with whole-hearted acceptance. Season 2 has been even better received by the audiences and it has led to many weird yet positive things happening in the society.

When people talk about office, the first thing that comes to mind is a 9 to 5 boring job dealing with people you hardly care about. In fact for PSU employees office is all about spending time in the canteen. Hardly do we see Indian offices with the amount of entertainment shown in ‘The Office’ series from Hotstar. And this is the precise reason why Harneet Singh who had left his office 2 months back rejoined in expectations of lively atmosphere in the office after watching ‘The Office’.

Harneet who lives in Gurugram was fed up of his office culture and finally decided to quit and do something else, though he had not figured out in the past 2 months about what he actually wanted to do. He spent most of his time watching web series and hence landed upon ‘The Office’ series. He was so engrossed that he got the confidence that Indian offices can also be filled with interesting characters and more importantly can have a funny boss. Jagdeep Chaddha, who at first hits you like a boss making his employees uncomfortable, slowly but surely convinces you that he does all that to make his employees more at ease.

Harneet was pretty sure that people at his office would also have watched the show ad would try and emulate it in real life. He rejoined the company he left, good news for the government as such examples will help them defend their claim that economy is actually doing good and people are getting their jobs back.

Anjali’s (Priyanka Sethia) grouchy moods; T P Mishra’s (Gopal Datt) buttering-the-boss shenanigans and overtly nationalistic sloganeering; Pammi’s (Samridhi Dewan) humdrum receptionist issues; ‘The Office’ has so much to like about it. I hope people have already started applying back to their previous jobs while reading this article.

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