Greta Thunberg Urges Donald Trump To Use Eco-Friendly Bombs While Bombing Iran

On Friday, US President Donald Trump ordered the killing of Iran Revolutionary Guards commander Qasem Soleimani, who died in Baghdad, in a decisive defensive action to protect US personnel abroad.
The action by Donald Trump-led US govt invited a lot of criticism by the social activist and revolutionaries across the globe. The most talked-about environmentalist, Greta Thunberg condemned the US attack on Iran and urged President Donald Trump to at least use less polluting bombs if he must use. She also requested the US Army to inform the countries it is going to attack so that these countries can make necessary arrangements for the disposal of the waste, which will be created by bombing.
Great Thunberg in a self-called press conference said: “President Donald Trump could have used other bombs to kill Qasem Soleimani that don’t cause environmental hazards“. Greta further added, “scientists must come up with innovation and new types of bombs which can kill people without generating any plastic waste“.
On the other hand, many countries are worried that these attacks might win Trump the upcoming presidential elections but they can also impact global oil prices.