
Greedy Self-centered Judges Yet To Offer Courts Premises As Covid Centers

Greedy Self-centered Judges Yet To Offer Courts Premises As Covid Centers
  • PublishedApril 22, 2021

India is witnessing second wave of COVID-19 which has caused scarcity of oxygen, ventilators, hospital beds and medicines. Delhi High Court criticised centre for not being able to arrange these urgent needs to save people’s lives.

Sitting on the piles of cases and suddenly realising the urgency in case of people’s lives, The Delhi high court on Wednesday targeted the private companies too and said “If Tatas can divert oxygen they are generating for their steel plants to medical use, why can’t others? This is height of greed,” it said.

Despite realising the grim situation, not one judge has offered any help. The big premises of courts can be used as Covid centres and lakhs of people can be accommodated. However, judges are too greedy to even think about that.

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